Thursday, June 28, 2007
Poker :: NL 100 frenzy

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Poker :: into the donkaments we go
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sports :: Jukola2007
We arrived to Lapua on Thursday to have some training, which was really interesting and tough. I could hardly make it under 12:00 min/km, so perpective of running last 15km leg in the relays looked quite scary.

Yaaaaawn... time for morning training session...
The competition area was pretty empty all the time until the competition day, when it suddenly filled up to the full 20 000 of people in half a day. On Saturday afternoon we went to watch Venla relays. Since there were no strong lithuanian teams, we tried to pick some team to root for, and that happened to be finish club MS Parma that had starting number 26 (this number is based on last year result), so had good chances to be amongst the leaders. Our choice was completely biased and based on watching which of the teams looked best when doing the warmup ;)
Watching the Venla was really interesting and great fun, comentary was great, two big screens showed the action out in the forests, and it was really good to see that orienteering is becoming really spectator-friendly sport. Our favs and definetily best looking team MS Parma performed well too, taking down 5th place out of ~860 starting teams.
TV screens
After the Venla we had few hours before our start. Our team got the starting number 1022 which basically means we are very bad. I had to start early in the morning, so tried to get some sleep and failed since comentator was screaming all night long, people were moving around and sharing their stories from the race, other people were preparing for their start and strolling around the tents etc etc, so I decided better to go to watch the men race a little.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fun :: Fly SEB Way


Pinkie team
Tug of war, best event of them all
Camel race, or one of the many silly events I took part in
Drunken guitar playing on the tables
Our megaperformance, me in swedish colour outfit
Sport makes you sexeh :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sports :: Off to Jukola
Updates on SEB sports party, Jukola and ongoing poker rush next week, when I'm back from Finland.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Fun :: I'm smart. Officially ;)
Dropping in to tell that yesterday after great deal of sweating (again the room was at +30C with no air to breathe) at national exam commission I got my Masters in IT degree :) My thesis was appraised with the top grade (10 points) which made me pretty happy. In two weeks I'm getting actual diploma at StJones church, and that will complete my education which I would've dropped long time ago if not the traditions in the family - anything less than masters is considered 'weak' around here... Now everybody expects me to carry on onto PhD studies, but all I want at the moment is to get a break and to move up to NL$200 :)